Mathematics can be confusing to people. However, once you realize it isn't about numbers at all everything becomes much clearer. Math is a study of relationships as is geometry. Every shape in this world is made up of an arangement of components. At the most basic level is the point. 2 points connected by an infinite number of points becomes a line. 2 intersecting lines becomes an angle. Angles combine to make two-dimensional shapes. Arranging an infinite number of lines next to eachother creates a plane. Connecting planes together creates three-dimensional shapes that occupy volume.
Geometry isn't only about the relationships of basic building blocks to the object they create. It is also about the relationships within individual shapes. For instance, circles have many different parts like chords, radii, secants, and segments.
The story I am weaving will try and tell all of this in a coherent fashion. I am still working out the fine details, but will be sharing my progress during the building process.
Pictures to come in a little bit...
"This is a thick, brown, leather-covered book, stippled with gold numbers. When opened, complex three-dimensional geometrical diagrams rise up out of the pages like models in a pop up book. The pages flicker with logarithmic numbers and figures. Angles are measured by needle-thin metal pendulums that swing freely, activated by magnets concealed in the thick paper."