Sunday, September 27, 2009

map 3 concept

This is the concept for my third map. I tried to express the landscape of the campus and the buildings through the same folding technique I used in my last assignment. I feel like the direction I am going in has potential, but there are still questions to be answered.

How can I better express the folding technique?
How can I make this read more like a drawing?
How can I better connect the drawdle to the landscape it represents?

For the rest of the day I'll be trying to answer those questions. Hopefully I can arrive at some worthwhile answers.


  1. i think that these drawings of folding planes are very suggestive... and, from what i can tell in the image of the draw-dle, it seems like it could be promising... very much so... so how to integrate them...?

  2. since there is only this... i will reiterate that you should find a way to take these folding-plane diagrams as the generative model of your scheme...
