Sunday, September 20, 2009

What's in the box?

Assignment 2 called on me to imagine the many possibilities of what occupies the space in the library stacks tower. My concept was that the mural elements on the facade intrude into the box and create space by manifesting themselves as solids or voids.

As I continued the project, I combined the two ideas into one complete concept. I decided that there was a box within the stacks tower that was being punctured by the extruded facade elements. The punctures started to dissolve the box and the solid masses also shaped the floor plates because none of them fit perfectly, some voids were too small for the solids to fit while some were too large.

After this model, I decided to take the erosion further. Luis suggested that I look at some of Jorge Oteiza's sculptures as inspiration.

Through further exploration and after a quick model study of Oteiza's "Homage to Mallarme", I decided to experiment with a combination of folding planes to suggest rather than create the box within.

All that I had learned and thought culminated in my final study. In it, I used Oteiza's technique of folding to create the spaces, voids, and planes I had played with earlier, but with a unified language.

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