Monday, November 16, 2009

Drawings without Paper: What have I learned

While I didn't really like this assignment, I can't say that I didn't learn anything from it. During the review, concepts of purposefulness and the battle between an organic form and rigid geometry were brought up. I hadn't really considered either of those ideas before then.

The idea of purposefulness brought up when the fold were discussed. While the folds are used as my form making strategy, the purpose of them still had a bit of arbitrariness in it. In relation to the two "drawings", purposefulness was brought up in relation to some of the moves I had made and whether or not they were necessary.

The battle between an organic form and rigid geometry has been ongoing for me. Not really in my design process, but in my attempts to model my concepts. The materials I had been using were very conducive to my concept, but weren't rigid enough to hold the lines, folds, and forms I have been trying to create.

From here, I took these concepts and the idea of continuity from before and decided to rethink what I was doing and where I was going. I decided that the "slouching" shapes that were present in my model, but not my drawings, should be embraced and have since began to incorporate them in my design. I am working on taking the folding element and making it the regulating element it was supposed to be, enclosing and combining program. This also helps bring some purposefulness into the design. I am also working on the concept of continuity by trying to make the folding element come from the landscape rather than an artificial element placed on the site. This combined with the new organic form has helped me start developing a better site strategy.

On a smaller note, the wire sculpture made me realize that the continuity of landscape I had been looking for wasn't just in the forms I created. The forms I created had two sides that were formed by folding up one continuous plane, namely the landscape. This realization has definitely changed the way I have been thinking about the form making process I have been using.

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