Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where I am

I decided to adopt a more organic form, but was stuck on the question of how to fit the program. I decided that the folding element should be used as a regulating element that holds the program pieces, similar to early process work. The organic form is still used on the exterior. Taking some hints from the library at Delft, I decided that the  link between the landscape and my building should be strong enough that the building conceivable could grow out of the ground itself and that certain areas should continue the vegetation, maybe even the grid pattern, in the university around my site.

This sketch was done as an overall conceptual view of the new design.

After drawing this, I did a program analysis and sketched some sections that would be able to accommodate the amount of program required. After that plans were made. I'm not really sure where to go now, but I am liking the direction I'm heading in.

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