Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mid Crit

While the deficiencies in my project were brought to light, the guest critics provided many ideas on how to refine my process and representation. While the folding process was illustrated in the model, it was lost in almost all of the drawings.

This section seemed to illustrate the folding concept the best.

Almost all of the suggestions made pertained to my design process. It was suggested that there could be multiple folding processes. Right now, with just one folding element, the folds don't suggest hierarchy within the spaces or the program. What I decided to do is study the spaces individually and analyze how they should be articulated and where they should be located.

The next issue to think about is how my building interacts with the ground. This was explored at the same time as the interactions between the folding elements. I thought that the best way to do this was a series of sections.

After that I thought about how the different folding systems would be articulated.

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